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Tree of the year 2025

Fonds pour l'arbre

This year's Tree of the Year 2025 award went to the Chêne de Saint-Maurice (Brittany).

This majestic oak stands on the edge of the Laïta estuary and is an invitation to introspection. In Clohars-Carnoët, it has found an ideal location. With its imposing trunk and spreading, tortuous crown, it has witnessed the years spent on this historic site, owned by the Conservatoire du Littoral since 1991. But above all, it is the guardian of a captivating landscape, at the foot of the river that meanders through the wooded valley, to the rhythm of the tides and the movement of the many birds. Epiphytic ferns use the oak as a living support. Local residents love to take a meditative break on the bench carved in the shape of an otter, evoking the regular passage of this animal at night at the foot of the oak.

Circumference: 4.4m - Height: 10m - Estimated age: 200 to 250 years


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Fonds pour l'Arbre, la Nature et l'Homme

Endowment fund for an ever greener city in Divonne-les-Bains

E-mail : fondsarbre(@)

Phone : 06 10 88 04 73 (Christian Leroux)

Registered at the prefecture of Bourg-en-Bresse

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