On Tuesday 16 November, Mrs Kapeller's CM1 class from the Centre school went to the Jardin du Pont des Iles in the pouring rain to show the pupils the different parts of a tree, the two groups of trees (deciduous and coniferous), to explain photosynthesis and why leaves change colour in autumn, and to describe all the things that trees do to make our daily lives easier.
For the 2nd visit to the Garden, on Tuesday 23 November, with much better weather, the children were organised into three groups. Each trio chose a tree from the Garden, which they had to describe, draw, determine its origin and usefulness, and above all follow throughout the school year to present their tree at the end of the year. Here are the trees chosen by the children:
American copalm - Liquidambar styraciflua
Silk tree - Albizia julibrissin
Scots pine - Pinus sylvestris
The monkey's despair - Araucaria araucana
The giant sequoia - Sequoiadendron geganteum
Imperial tree - Paulownia tomentosa
Red maple - Acer rubrum