This week, the FONDS POUR L'ARBRE planting campaign 2023-2024 came to an end with the planting of 15 new trees, with the help of Divonne's floral department, to whom we extend our warmest thanks.
At the Jardin du Pont des Isles, eight new trees were planted to replace those that could not withstand last year's drought:
A Cladastris lutea - Yellow Wood Viregil
A Prunus padus - Yellow birch
Liquidambar styraciflua - American copalm
One Chionanthus virginicus - Snow tree to replace the handkerchief tree
One Malus toringo - Flowering apple tree
Two Koelreuteria paniculata - Soap tree
An Ilex aquifolium - Holly, which was donated by the commune.
Two trees have been planted next to the church in Divonne:
A Cercis siliquastrum - Judas tree, to replace the Thuja that was felled;
An Amelanchier grandiflora - American Amelanchier, to replace the Araucaria.
A tree has been planted on the lake esplanade:
A Prunus accolade cépée - Japanese Cherry cépée, generously donated by a company specialising in the environment and urban energy.
Finally, four trees were planted at the Arbère pond:
A Canadian serviceberry - Amélanchier du Canada
A stocked Styphnolobium japonicum - Stocked Sophora du Japon
A Celtis sinensis vines - Japanese hackberry vines
A Chionanthus virginicus - Snow tree
With the arrival of spring, tree planting has stopped until next autumn. However, the Tree Fund's activities are not coming to a halt.
In April, we will be collaborating with the CM2 classes at the Ecole du centre on their TREES project. Two outings to the Jardin du Pont des Isles are scheduled for Tuesday 4 and 11 April.
From 17 to 21 April, the Fonds pour l'Arbre is organising an exhibition of paintings by Denis Ribas at the old station building. Denis Ribas is a painter who loves nature, and trees attract him more than anything else. Before starting work, he never hesitates to caress their trunks, to feel their bark with his fingertips. For Denis Ribas: "Trees are the skeleton of nature, and their branches the wrinkles of the landscapes".
We're starting to plan the Jardin des Continents, on the Planets Trail (between the lake and the hippodrome), and hope to be able to start planting in this new spot as early as November 2024.
